It's 10:00 am, you've checked your e-mail, returned a few calls and just left your weekly staff meeting. You walk to your co-worker's desk and, without pondering the thought of asking him or her how their weekend was, how their family is doing, or if they have plans for lunch, you dive right into what has been on the tip of your tongue since Saturday night--the status of your favorite college football team.
You rave about how your running back will win the Heisman Trophy (Penn State fans), you detail the adjustments that your staff made at halftime to come back and win (Kansas State fans), and yes, you begin to look at hotels in Glendale, Arizona, as you plan your team's trip to the BCS National Championship (Notre Dame fans).
While you are full of optimism, your co-worker is not hearing a word you are saying. He or she is in a depression, their eyes bloodshot from reading message boards for 24 straight hours, and now just needing to vent their frustration.
When he or she finds a moment to break into the conversation they explode into a tirade about how they didn't understand their team's play-calling in the third quarter, how their quarterback needs to read coverages better, and how this recent loss will affect recruiting.
Yet you don't console your co-worker; in fact you do the opposite. You gloat, remain positive, and pour as much salt over their wound as possible because you're undefeated and this season is going exactly as you predicted it would.
And then both of your mobile phones vibrate simultaneously.
It's an e-mail from your boss reminding you about your 11:00 am staff meeting. As you walk toward the board room, you take a quick detour to your desk to check your team's message boards once more. There, you revel in your teams performance or sink deeper into your depression.
Either way, just like the teams that won or lost over the weekend, you begin the process of game-planning for the upcoming opponent, as kick-off is almost upon us again.
College Football--where every weekend matters.