
The Boston Celtics still have a long way to go before they can truly compete for a championship, but they're on the right track. Slowly but surely they're improving, and on the heels of a surprise trip to the playoffs, the NBA's official schedule makers have taken notice.

Courtesy of ESPN's Chris Forsberg, here are some observations about Boston's official schedule for the 2015-16 season, which was released Wednesday night:

"One year after the Boston Celtics were scheduled for just one national TV appearance -- a spot they initially got bumped from, but later picked up another -- the Green are set to be featured in seven national TV games during the 2015-16 season, suggesting an uptick in curiosity in coach Brad Stevens and his young squad. Boston will make five appearances on ESPN -- Dec. 9 vs. Chicago; Jan. 13 vs. Indiana; Feb. 19 vs. Utah; March 16 vs. Oklahoma City; and April 1 vs. Golden State -- and two appearances on TNT -- Nov. 24 vs. Atlanta and Jan. 7 vs. Chicago -- with three additional broadcasts currently scheduled for NBA TV."

To go from one nationally televised game to seven in one year is impressive, especially after they struck out on all the stars in free agency last month.

There's a real buzz about Boston this season. They're a well-coached bunch with some fresh talent and exciting young prospects. They won't win the title this season, but there's always the chance they steal a playoff series or two.

The path to winning it all isn't easy, but more people will have an opportunity to watch the Celtics walk it this season than last. Another step in the right direction.

(h/t: ESPN)