
Adrian Peterson needs a championship. Just one Lombardi for the road, sooner rather than later, preferably.

The Minnesota Vikings' 31-year-old running back is aware he's well into the third act of his NFL career -- a Hall of Fame caliber career, but one he considers incomplete without a Super Bowl ring.

Peterson's convinced this year could be that year, however, and spoke to ProFootballTalk's Mike Florio on Friday about what will need to click for Minnesota to make it to a championship

It was a fairly typical conversation until Peterson brought up Teddy Bridgewater, comparing Minnesota's third-year quarterback d to Tom Brady in a very...unique...way.

In Peterson's eyes, Bridgewater and Brady are a lot alike in that they're both very good at throwing unspectacular passes.

Tom Brady is great at throwing those mediocre passes Adrian Peterson

"[Bridgewater] reminds me of a Tom Brady, because Tom Brady is great at throwing those mediocre passes," Peterson said. "Those short passes and midrange passes...and that's exactly what Teddy does as well."

Now, one would infer that Peterson meant to say Bridgewater isn't a home run, but good at getting first downs when the team needs them. But then Peterson kept talking, describing that Bridgewater needs everything to go exactly as planned during games to flourish.

"He's the type of guy that needs the receiver that runs routes and that's at a specific location that you're practicing. So I feel like with the additions we've made to the offensive line and of course me envisioning what I'll be able to bring to the offense as well. I think that's going to make his job a lot easier. With that, he'll feel more comfortable and he can really get back there and just play his game. So I'm expecting big things from Teddy this year."

I guess that's a compliment? A very weird, moderately self-serving compliment for Bridgewater, who's played well considering the constant pressure he's under the titanic amount of uniquely Vikings-y misery he's already had to endure in his young NFL career.

As for Peterson comparing Bridgewater to Brady - - we are not watering those gremlins today.

I'll just say this: you can't use the word "mediocre" while describing Tom Brady passing of the football. It's against Sports Rules, and you don't want Bill Belichick showing up at your door with 10 ounce gloves.

Dan is on Twitter. He's great at those mediocre tweets you think about fav-ing then don't.