
For as long as we've had indoor plumbing, we've been forced to paw at dirty, germy toilet flushers. While most of the other appliances in the home have seen major technological improvements over the last century, the toilet hasn't changed much since it made its debut.

But now homeowners have more options when it comes to toilet technology. Here are some of the best toilet add-ons that you can install in your bathroom.

Foot Pedal Flusher

Toilets with a built-in foot pedal flusher, like Thetford's Aqua Magic Bravura, are a great way to do your business while still keeping your hands clear of germs. While an Aqua Magic is a must-have for the at-home germophobe, you can also get a travel version so that you can stay germ-free while on-the-road. The Foot Flush Classic is a simple $10 attachment that you can set up in moments and works with most traditional flush toilets. Simply place the flusher on the floor, feed the cable behind the tank and attach it to the chain that operates the toilet's flushing mechanism. So whether you're staying at a hotel, or looking to improve the hygiene at your workplace's public restroom, a foot flush attachment can help you stay steer clear of germs.

Automatic Toilet Flusher

We've all seen those automatic toilet flushers that are standard in most public restrooms these days. But now you can set up one of these laser-guided flushers in your own home, too. Rubbermaid's automatic toilet flusher is a simple attachment that takes some of the ick out of using a restroom by adding an infrared sensor to your toilet at home.

Dual Flush Converter

Low-flow toilets are a great, environmentally friendly option, but let's be serious, sometimes they just don't get the job done. A dual flush converter, like the one by Blue Source, attempts to solve this problem by giving you a low-flow flush for every day use, and a second button providing a little extra water for *ahem* bigger jobs.

Adam Verwymeren is a Networx - http://www.networx.com - writer. Read more articles like this one - http://www.networx.com/article/3-ways-to-convert-your-toilet-to-hands-f - on Networx.com.

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