
Donald Trump celebrated Vice President Joe Biden's 2016 decision during one of his signature Make America Great Again rallies Wednesday, telling a sea of supporters he's happy Biden chose not to run since his heart's set on defeating Hillary Clinton.

"I think he did the smart thing because frankly, I don't think he would have won," the leading GOP candidate said to a crowd in Burlington, Iowa. "And frankly, I really want to run against Clinton."

Trump compared his desire to compete against the former secretary of state in a general election matchup to the intense rivalries that often develop in sports.

"You know when a baseball team or a football team that you have you heart set on?" he asked the jam-packed auditorium. "That's what we want to go against."

The billionaire also predicted that other candidates are "going to start dropping like flies" in coming weeks," pointing specifically to Republican hopefuls that are polling at less than 1 percent.

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