
New Hampshire Senate Republican candidate Scott Brown says Congress should pass a law stripping homegrown terrorists of their American citizenship.

“One of the greatest threats facing the homeland today is the mayhem that will happen when hundreds of American ISIS fighters return to the United States to spread their terror here,” Brown said Friday.

News reports have indicated that there could be 300 Americans fighting with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

“Their goal is to march down Pennsylvania Avenue and plant a flag at the White House, and mass killing is their means for achieving that goal,” Brown said. “That’s why Congress needs to pass legislation that would strip the citizenship of any American who joins a foreign terrorist organization. We need to keep our country safe by stopping these American ISIS fighters from re-entering the country.”

When a senator in Massachusetts in 2010 and 2011, Brown introduced a pair of bills that would have revoked the citizenship of Americans who joined terrorists.

Brown, running against Democratic incumbent Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire this year, released a new video Friday about the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

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