
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took the floor of the Senate Thursday afternoon equipped with a blue poster board, supportive shoes and the determination to stop a budget agreement he claims is a "recipe for disaster."

"I will continue this filibuster as long as there are enough votes here to allow it to continue," the junior senator and Republican presidential candidate said as he took the Senate floor next to the blue poster that read, "Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 IS A TERRIBLE DEAL."

The debt deal Paul opposes was announced Monday after several rounds of negotiation between the White House and House Republicans. The bill, which cleared the lower chamber Wednesday, proposes raising discretionary spending caps by $50 billion in fiscal 2016, $30 billion in fiscal 2017 and boosting military spending by $16 million in both years.

"It's a rotten deal. It stinks and I haven't met one Republican outside of Washington who thinks it's a good idea to give unlimited borrowing power to the president and bust the budget caps," Paul told Fox News hours before the third GOP debate Wednesday.

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