

President Obama will host French President Francois Hollande at the White House immediately after he returns from his 10-day trip to Asia.

The Oval Office meeting is meant to "underscore the friendship and solidarity between the United States and France, our oldest ally," according to a White House statement issued Tuesday. "President Obama and President Hollande will consult and coordinate our efforts to assist France's investigation into [Friday's] attacks [by the Islamic State in Paris], discuss further cooperation as part of the 65-member counter-ISIL coalition, and reiterate our shared determination to confront the scourge of terrorism."

Obama and Hollande spoke shortly after the deadly, coordinated attacks that claimed the lives of 129 Parisians, and again on the edges of the G-20 summit in Antalya, Turkey on Saturday.

Before departing for Turkey, Obama addressed the nation and reiterated the U.S.'s support for France and pledged to help French authorities in their investigation. During a press conference in Antalya on Monday, Obama announced new intelligence cooperation with Paris in which the two governments are "streamlining the process by which we share intelligence and operational military information," Obama said.

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