
The White House welcomed the five Nordic nations of Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Sweden and Norway to its 12th state dinner Friday night for what was a celebration of democratic principles and appreciation for President Obama in his final year in office.

The leaders of Denmark and Iceland toasted Obama and celebrated his accomplishments during the summit's formal dinner, declaring him the quintessential commander in chief.

"Speaking of taking the lead, speaking of leadership, it is easy to see the importance and value of your leadership, Mr. President," Lars Lokke Rasmussen, prime minister of Denmark, said. "So without interfering in American politics, I can truly and without a doubt say that you have been the best president you have ever had."

Rasmussen told the 350 guests, including a number of American celebrities in attendance, that Obama represents "a dream for millions of Americans" and applauded his enactment of a national health care program and lighting the White House in rainbow colors following the Supreme Court decision to allow same-sex marriages in every state.

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