
A Michigan lawmaker and professor are crafting a bill that would ban police officers from having sex with prostitutes during investigations, Michigan Radio reported.

The report, which was published on Monday, said that Michigan appears to be the only state that grants immunity to police officers.

“The reason the law is structured the way it is is because of the way the prostitution laws are written,” Bridgette Carr, a professor at the University of Michigan law School and director of the Human Trafficking Clinic there. “So for law enforcement to have any poser to investigate with immunity, they got all the power. And no one thought to go back and carve out a prohibition against sexual intercourse.”

Carr is reportedly working with Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland, on the bill.

It is unclear if police officers in the state ever take advantage of the exemption. Some police officers reportedly told Carr they did not know the law even existed.

“What I do know from my own clients is that people who either say they are cops, who are cops or who are impersonating cops, know about this exemption and threaten my clients with it sometimes,” she said. “It’s not rampant, but it happens.”