Michele Bachmann wants GOP to “unify, unify, unify”

While she remains the only former Republican 2012 contender yet to endorse another candidate, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann declares it’s time for the party to unify.

She told Fox News host Judge Jeanine she has not endorsed a candidate because she does not want to be a divisive voice in the party.

“When I left the presidential field, I didn't want give my voice to one candidate, because I want the people to decide. I want to bring the tea party, the evangelicals, and the conservatives together. That's the coalition we need to win together,” she said. “I want to unify, unify, unify."

The recent rhetoric on the campaign trail has been anything but “unifying."

Earlier this week, Rick Santorum declared that if the choice was between Mitt Romney and President Obama, “we may as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk in what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”

After being dubbed, “the most valuable player on President Obama’s team” by one of Romney’s political directors, Santorum walked back that statement and said “Over my dead body would I vote for Obama.”

Bachmann chalks up the comment to fatigue. “You get tired; say things you wish you didn't. That's the reason why you saw the clarifying statement.”

The congresswoman would rather focus on the “mistakes” of the President, and she is confident that whoever the nominee is will he will rectify what she declares his biggest.

“He's making mistakes every day. Yesterday was the second anniversary of signing ObamaCare into law. That's probably one of the chief mistakes of the Obama presidency,” she said.

At a press conference earlier this week, the congresswoman held up a page of the bill and ripped it in half saying, “American people: the President of the United States, down the street at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, may not be listening to you, but we in Congress have not forgotten you. We’re listening. We’re not giving up until we repeal this bill.”

Next week the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on the constitutionality of the bill and Bachmann has scored seats inside the chamber, tweeting last week “So grateful to learn that I’ll be in the courtroom on 3/28 for the #SCOTUS #Obamacare arguments. #REPEAL”