
House Republicans are re-launching a caucus with the goal of advancing pro-gun rights legislation on Capitol Hill.

According to a statement from the office of Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., the congressman will be chairing the third iteration of the Congressional Second Amendment Caucus. Earlier versions were active from 2004-08 and 2009-13.

“The recent election results present us with a new opportunity to advance pro-gun legislation and reverse the erosion of the Second Amendment that's occurred over the last few decades. I look forward to working with the new President and this determined group of conservatives to promote a pro-gun agenda,” Massie said in the statement.

The caucus will include: Reps. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C.; Ted Yoho, R-Fla.; Brian Babin, R-Texas; Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.; Mark Meadows, R-N.C.; Ken Buck, R-Colo.; Alex Mooney R-W.Va.; Justin Amash, R-Mich; Jody Hice, R-Ga.; Dave Brat, R-Va.; Warren Davidson, R-Ohio; Scott Perry, R-Pa.; and James Comer, R-Ky.

The group intends to lead efforts in the House to “pass meaningful firearms legislation” and protect against any infringement on the Second Amendment.

"Preserving the right to keep and bear arms is essential to maintaining freedom and liberty in our country,” said former Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., who chaired the caucus during its second run from 2009 through 2013.


Rumors have also swirled that Rep. Massie could be asked to work on the Trump Administration. (Courtesy of Rep. Thomas Massie)

The caucus also intends to invite firearm experts, constitutional scholars, and pro-gun groups to speak and testify before the group.

According to the release, eligibility for membership will depend on a representative’s voting record and his or her commitment to the caucus’s founding principles.

A recent report from Reason said rumors were swirling around Massie possibly leaving Congress to join the incoming Trump administration as head of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy.

"This is all just speculation," Massie told Reason. "But from my end, I would consider either of those positions if I was approached."