

Despite calls on both sides of the aisle for Congress to debate and vote on a new war authorization against the Islamic State, the Senate's top Republican says it's not going to happen next year.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he did not want the Senate to pass a new law governing military powers against the Islamic State when this president feels he already has the authority and anything passed now may tie the hands of the next commander-in-chief, according to reports.

"I would not want to saddle the next president with a prescriptive [force authorization]. We're going to have a new president a year from now," McConnell said in an interview with Roll Call. "He or she may have a different view about the way to deal with ISIS and that part of the world. I don't think we ought to be passing an [authorization] as the president exits the stage when he already thinks he has the authority to do what he's willing to do now."

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