Limbaugh disagrees with Hillary Clinton in talk of Mueller report

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh lambasted former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Thursday for saying the Mueller report proved that Russians cost her the 2016 presidential election.

“What I learned is that the Russians were successful. I don't think there's any way to read that report and not conclude they accomplished what they set out to do.  They had an objective to sow discord and divisiveness within our society at large, and to help Donald Trump. And they succeeded,” Clinton said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show.”


Clinton told  Maddow she was disappointed that the Mueller report did not investigate “whether or not the Russian active measures actually changed votes or affected the outcome.”

“And then we learned that the former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is ordered not to talk about election interference in front of Trump.  And then we learn that there is no concerted effort going on anywhere in our government to try to understand what it means that, for example, at least one county in Florida was breached, but not only that, the network of election machinery in one area. What does all that mean?”

Limbaugh, in his retort, accused Clinton of pushing a false narrative.

“Ladies and gentlemen, here is the Hildebeast now claiming that Russian collusion affected votes, changed the outcome of elections, affected voting machines. Mueller never asserted this. In every indictment of so-called Russian troll farms, it was announced that no American was involved, no vote was changed, the outcome of no election was affected in every indictment that Mueller handed down about these Russian troll farms,” Limbaugh said.


The radio host brought up the Christopher Steele dossier, allegedy paid for by Clinton associates, and noted he found her concerns “ironic.”

“I find it ironic as hell that the woman worried about what the Russians were doing was the one who paid them to tamper with the election,” he declared.

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