John Yoo says Democratic senators are 'floundering' trying to find an angle to attack Amy Coney Barrett

'I think Amy Coney Barrett will be sitting on the Supreme Court two weeks from tomorrow,' he says

Democratic senators are 'floundering' trying to find an angle to attack Amy Coney Barrett, John Yoo said on Wednesday during the Supreme Court nomination hearing.

Barrett is “a great nominee who is a woman of high intelligence and experience and accomplishments,” Yoo, a former U.S. Justice Department attorney, told “The Brian Kilmeade Show.”

“And so that’s why you’re seeing, I think, Democratic senators, in particular, are floundering around trying to find some angle to attack her," Yoo said. "It’s just they tried religion last time they attacked her about her Catholicism. They saw a terrific response from the country against them for that.”

Barrett's faith, and how it informs her legal views, was attacked by Sen. Diane Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, during Barrett's confirmation to a lower court. 

“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said at the time.

Feinstein’s remarks as she questioned Barrett sparked bipartisan backlash, contributing to the former law professor’s quick rise as a conservative judicial star.

Yoo also mentioned that Democrats tried to make Barrett seem like an adversary to the Affordable Care Act, often called ObamaCare.


Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., continued Democrats' claims that the real reason why Republicans are rushing to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court is so that she can be on the bench for an upcoming ObamaCare case, but he had a particularly colorful way of putting it.

The case, California v. Texas, centers on whether the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate is still constitutional now that there is no tax attached to it and whether the act itself can survive without it. The Trump administration is siding with states who believe that ObamaCare should be stricken down in its entirety.

"There is a political agenda here. Whether you are privy to it, part of it notwithstanding, it has to do with the Affordable Care Act," Durbin said. "Nov. 10 is the absolute date they have to fill the vacancy if the president, and those who support him, and those who support the Republican platform are going to keep their promise to end the Affordable Care Act. They need that ninth justice, and that's why it has to be hurried. Unfortunately, that is the cloud, the orange cloud over your nomination."

The idea that President Trump specifically nominated Barrett -- whether she was aware or not -- so that she could be a key vote in eliminating the Affordable Care Act has been repeated by Democrats throughout her confirmation hearing. Barrett has insisted that she has had no discussion with the president about how she would rule in any case.


Yoo listed “normal procedural” measures Democrats could take to delay the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

“If the Democrats tried all the normal procedural things, they could try not show up for the vote, they could try to ask for delays. I still think that this nomination could get voted on the week of October 26th -- about two weeks from now, the week right before the election. That’s as long as I think Democrats can delay things,” Yoo said.

“Unless something completely unknown and unforeseen came about -- like you said what we saw with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations of Brett Kavanaugh," Yoo said. "Otherwise, I think Amy Coney Barrett will be sitting on the Supreme Court two weeks from tomorrow.”

Fox News' Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.

This story contains material from the Associated Press.

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