
Jeb Bush managed to make a softball question about his taste in superheroes awkward Wednesday night when he focused on the looks of the star of CBS' upcoming "Supergirl" television series.

The Republican presidential candidate, who currently ranks sixth in the Washington Examiner's presidential power rankings, was participating in a Q&A session at the Libre Institute in Las Vegas when he was asked by an audience member who his favorite superhero was.

"I like watching the movies, and I wish I owned Marvel, as somebody who believes in capitalism," Bush said, echoing the ideals of economic progress on which the Libre Institute, founded by the Koch brothers, was built.

Then he gave his real answer: "I'm kind of old school. I kind of like the old-school guys, like Batman." Batman was created by DC Comics, not Marvel.

Sticking in the DC universe, Bush then brought up "Supergirl" and its star, Melissa Benoist.

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