
Jeb Bush's chances of winning the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire look bleak in a new Bloomberg Politics/St. Anselm College poll released Wednesday.

Despite launching a half-million dollar ad buy in the earliest primary state in September, Bush, who dropped to sixth place in the latest Washington Examiner presidential power rankings, has seen a decline in virtually every category in the latest poll.

His 57 percent favorability among Republicans in the Granite State marks the worst it has been since polling began last November, and is lower than Ben Carson (74 percent), Marco Rubio (68 percent), Carly Fiorina (67 percent) and Donald Trump (58 percent).

The former Florida governor is also down to 10 percent support in the GOP field, putting him in third place behind outsider candidates Trump and Carson, who are polling at 24 percent and 17 percent, respectively. And only 6 percent of New Hampshire Republicans picked Bush as their second-choice candidate. Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Rubio and Ted Cruz were all more popular backup choices.

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