
"As long as there's a press and a press office there will always be some level of adversity," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters at his daily briefing Monday.

The statement came in response to a question from ABC's Ann Compton, who asked Gibbs whether he was pleased by his dealings with the media.

Gibbs held a 75-minute meeting with members of the White House Correspondents Association late last week to discuss the administration's handling of press affairs.

The discussion was prompted by the fact that the Obama motorcade left the White House without the traveling "pool" of reporters that are assigned to cover the president's every move.

On Saturday April 10, President Obama's entourage left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to attend his daughter's soccer game at a local park.  The press was scrambled by wranglers in an effort to catch up with the motorcade, but it was too late. The game had ended by the time the media vans arrived on site.

The press corps wasn't pleased, and the meeting with Gibbs was arranged in order to air grievances about breaking from protocol.

"They talked to me about changes they'd like to see," Gibbs said.  Among the matters discussed is more access for news photographers, and more "open" events at the White House that allow for media access.
"This is the most transparent administration in the history of our country," Gibbs told reporters. He told the press corps he was proud of the administration's willingness to share details with the public, such as who attends meetings at the White House with President Obama.