Fox Exclusive: Blagojevich's Brother Talks to Ethics Committee Investigators About Jackson Jr.

Fox News video shows Robert Blagojevich, the brother of imprisoned former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) leaving the House Ethics Committee after speaking voluntarily to ethics investigators behind closed doors today.

Robert Blagojevich would only utter "no comment" as he walked down the hall and got into a cab.

He was asked by the Ethics Committee to come in for an interview and agreed to do so.

The Ethics Committee is informally investigating Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) and allegations that he made efforts to "buy" the vacated Senate seat now held by President Obama.

Robert Blagojevich wrote to the Ethics Committee more than ten times to give his side of the story. He was initially charged alongside his brother but charges were dropped after the jury deadlocked.

The former governor is now serving a 14 year sentence for corruption charges.

Fox News Producer Ruth Ravve contributed to this report.