
Marco Rubio drew battle lines before the University of Florida and Florida State University faced off Saturday in football. He wound up betting on the wrong reptile.

Rubio, the Florida senator who currently sits at third in the Washington Examiner's presidential power rankings, tweeted out his support for the Gators before the game.

FSU trounced the Gators with a 27-2 victory. The Seminoles' football Twitter account responded to Rubio in a short but sweet bout of social media trolling:

Rubio, a Miami native, went to Tarkio College for a year on a football scholarship, but later earned his bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Florida and his J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law.

This is not the first time Rubio has shown his bias against Florida State football. In a September interview with KNXO 1460 AM in Des Moines, Iowa, he discussed how of Florida's three big-time college football programs (Florida, Florida State and Miami), the Seminoles have the least amount of his respect.

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