
Hundreds of Democrats from 32 states are aligning against the centerpiece of President Obama's climate change agenda, the Clean Power Plan, which they say will cause unnecessary economic harm from increased reliance on renewable energy.

"As Democrats committed to a prosperous America and a healthy environment, we believe the United States has a unique opportunity to lead the world in addressing the global climate challenge, and yet do so, as we must, without unduly burdening the American economy or the American people," the Democratic coalition called CoalBlue said in a letter sent Tuesday to Obama.

The group joined with hundreds of Democratic officeholders and state, local and party officials in telling Obama that the Environmental Protection Agency's emission rules for power plants pose "serious and overriding concerns," representing the wrong approach to the problem of climate change.

"If we are going to provide real leadership in the world community on climate, we cannot begin by implementing policies that have no hope of succeeding outside of the United States, or possibly even within the United States," said the group's chairman, former U.S. Rep. Zack Space of Ohio. His state is one of 27 suing the EPA over the Clean Power Plan.

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