
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is SO confident the president's jobs plan will pass, he's willing to buy the entire White House Press Corp cocktails should it not.

"I will buy everyone in here a drink if by the end of this year there is not action on the jobs act," Carney said Thursday to chuckles from reporters in the White House briefing room.

President Obama has said he is open to signing portions of the American Jobs Act, should the entire thing not passing in congress as presented. Just this week, he was calling for a piece of legislation to sign. "It's been two weeks since I sent it to Congress," Mr. Obama said of the legislation at a rally in Denver earlier this week. And now I want it back."

The Senate is expected to take up the jobs act next month. So the press will have to stand by and see if action is taken in the next few months before scheduling drinks with Carney.