White House spokesman Jay Carney gave his final briefing to reporters as the presidential press secretary on Wednesday, concluding a 3 1/2-year run sparring with a White House press corps to which he once belonged.
Carney is leaving after five years as both a presidential and a vice presidential aide. Deputy press secretary Josh Earnest will replace him at the White House podium.
Unflappable and careful not to improvise, Carney presided over the daily hour-long press briefings, explaining and defending Obama policies and initiatives. Carney's entry into the briefing room Wednesday was heralded by music from Guided by Voices, Carney's favorite indie rock band.
"I have loved every minute of every day, even the many minutes of many days I spent in this room," Carney, a former Time correspondent, said of his job.
White House chief of staff Denis McDonough praised Carney for, "unrelenting good work and unrelenting good service."