
House Speaker John Boehner told a group of journalists Tuesday morning that he and President Obama have a good, cordial relationship, although admitted the two haven't spoken since December 23.

"We just come from two different planets," Boehner said. "We speak a different language."

As for the State of the Union address, in which Boehner will be sitting behind President Obama, the Speaker set the bar low. "The White House made clear by Labor Day that it was in full campaign mode. The President wants this to be a year one address... he's taking on the role of Rip Van Winkle... like he slept through the two years where Democrats controlled both chambers."

The Speaker is hoping the President will address the automatic defense cuts due to kick in as a result of the Congressional Super Committee's failure.

Boehner called the defense cuts "entirely unacceptable", and said they would "weaken our defense significantly... putting America in a very precarious situation."

Boehner used the debt talks last summer to describe the difficulty of their working relationship. "It was like negotiating with someone who has never negotiated with anyone before," said Boehner.

Yet the House Speaker recognizes the American people are expecting results this year, and "our job is to find common ground for the American people."

Fox News Anchors Bret Baier and Chris Wallace contributed to this report