Army colonel snubs 'beautiful' women

FILE: A female Army soldier tries on body armor. (U.S. Army)

So much for being pretty. If you want to fight for your country, cut those long tresses and get off your diet. The Army only wants you if you’re Plain Jane.

At least that’s what Col. Lynette Arnhart, who is trying to figure out the best way to “integrate women into combat roles,” says in an internal email to an Army PR flak. Seems the colonel didn't want to put babes in photos to avoid turning off average lookers from enlisting.

Blake Hounshell, deputy editor for Politico magazine, tweets the scoop by defense reporter, Kate Brannen.

In what foxhole is ‘beautiful’ even on the table? You either protect your fellow soldiers, or you don’t. Unless you’re Margaret Houlihan in the ‘70s sitcom, MASH.

California Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, cried foul, and essentially cc’d the Pres and DOD’s Chuck Hagel, just in case they missed it.

The leak was too good for the Leathernecks not to jump into the fray. You know the old Marine joke: A.R.M.Y.: Ain’t a Real Marine Yet.

The Deputy Editor for the Marine Corps Times hit send on a tweet with an oorah, for sure.

And, former Marine and Business Insider defense reporter, Brian Adam Jones -- not to mention two-time Marine Corps Print Journalist of the Year -- wrote a follow-up piece compiling Twitter reaction.  A tip of the hat to him.

Needing a MEDEVAC out of the mess, the Army tweets that when it comes to beautiful women, it has no current take.

That’s a 10-4, copy.


On the day of your birth, there’s usually cake, ice cream, balloons, a card, and maybe a present or two. Unless you’re in politics. And especially if you’re Joe Biden.

His greeting from the head of the RNC came with a stink bomb inside.

It’s one thing to get a simple, snarky tweet. But this one contains a five-page research paper outlining what a bad 2016 nominee he would be, titled, “An Ode To Birthday Boy Biden.”

Perhaps this was also Priebus' way of reminding folks that Biden just turned 71-- and might be a bit long in the tooth by 2016?


It’s almost too much to believe that Kathleen Sebelius test-drives the feds' health care website, and it crashes with cameras rolling. Keystone Kops, anyone?

While in Miami to talk up ObamaCare, she helped a husband and wife submit their application, and seconds later, the site went down, flashing, “Sorry, our system is down.” Several reporters heard someone say, “uh-oh.”

Twitter had a field day.

Uh-oh is spilled juice on the floor. D’oh! is more like it.

Here’s part of the HHS follow-up statement: “We know that there will be sporadic outages form time to time.”

The crash may be small potatoes if we’re to believe this tweet by activist James O’Keefe, best known for the sting in which two staffers posed as Muslim fundraisers and secretly recorded NPR executives, leading to the ouster of the network's president.


Sometimes there’s such a thing as too much information. Scrolling through my Twitter feed, I didn’t expect to be thinking about what Barack Obama does, here:

Mrs. O does say that she’s a better dancer.


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If you’d like to recommend your favorite political tweets, email or send her a tweet @laurenashburn with the hashtag #TwitterTalk.

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