March 10, 2015: Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks to the reporters at United Nations headquarters. Clinton conceded Tuesday that she should have used a government email to conduct business as secretary of state, saying her decision was simply a matter of "convenience." (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
March 8, 2015 White House. POTUS interviewed by CBS News.
Reporter: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business when she was Secretary of State?
POTUS: The same time as everybody else, through news reports.
How many times have we seen this movie? How many times has this administration been confronted with a scandal only to have the president or his spokesmen make this statement with straight faces?
On Sunday, President Obama insisted he knew nothing about Hillary Clinton and her use of a separate server to send email while serving as his secretary of state for four years, and learned about it through news reports along with the rest of us. How many times have we seen this movie? How many times has this administration been confronted with a scandal only to have the president or his spokesmen make this statement with straight faces?
How many times have we seen this movie? How many times has this administration been confronted with a scandal only to have the president or his spokesmen make this statement with straight faces?
It makes you wonder: What goes on behind the scenes that results in these whoppers? Since this administration lives in a fantasy land, let's imagine scenes of our own:
April 27, 2009, Andrews Air Force Base, 8th hole. WH Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Vice President Joe Biden approach President Barack Obama.
RG: Mr. President, we're so very sorry to interrupt your game --
VPOTUS: But you've got game, Mr. President!
POTUS, staring at VPOTUS, irritated: Why are you here?
RG: Sir, it looks like that Air Force One photo-op over Manhattan almost caused a massive panic. We need a response from you.
POTUS: Joe, can't you handle this?
VPOTUS: It's your plane, sir. Mine was flying over Pittsburgh and no one noticed.
RG: We have your talking points, sir. Just tell the press, "It was a mistake. It was something we found out about along with all of you."
POTUS: Fine. Now get lost, both of you.
That scenario may be fictional -- but those were, in fact, the very words Obama used.
March 22, 2011, 11:15 AM. Oval Office. WH Press Secretary Jay Carney and Biden enter. Obama is yawning.
VPOTUS: Top of the morning, sir!
POTUS: (Yawning) Where's my Starbucks?
VPOTUS: I'm on it! (Leaves)
JC: Sir, we have a situation. The Republicans have learned about Fast and Furious killing that agent. CNN wants to know how much you knew.
POTUS: Big deal. I'll tell 'em -- how's this -- "I heard on the news about this Fast and Furious story where allegedly" -- (laughs) get that? -- "guns were being run into Mexico." What the hell. I'll also say "the Attorney General has been very clear he knew nothing about this." Holder will owe me one. Where's Biden with my coffee?
Those were the very phrases Obama uttered that day.
May 13, 2013. Oval Office. Obama emailing Hillary Clinton. Carney interrupts.
JC: The cat's out of the bag, Mr. President. They know about the IRS going after those
Tea Party nuts. You have to say something during your presser with Cameron today.
POTUS: (Grinning) I just can't resist.
Later that day, at White House press conference with British PM David Cameron.
POTUS: Well let me take the IRS situation first. I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.
Yup, Obama said this.
May 14, 2013. White House basketball court. Obama playing one-on-one with Jay-Z.
Biden and Carney enter.
JC: Another problem, sir. DOJ subpoenaed the AP to get those phone records. The press ain't happy about this.
POTUS: Can't you see I'm busy? You take care of it. (Looking irritated at Biden) Shouldn't you be at a funeral?
JZ: Come on, man, shoot! Ain't got all day.
Later that day at the White House Press Briefing:
Reporter: When did the president find out about the Department of Justice subpoenas for the Associated Press?
JC: Yesterday. We found out about the news reports yesterday on the road.
Word for word, Carney's words.
May 19, 2014. White House Press Secretary's office. Carney frantically preparing for morning press briefing. A quiet knock. Biden enters.
VPOTUS: Jay, we've got a situation. They know about those fraudulent VA reports. This one's big! What should we do?
JC: (sigh) I'll take care of it. Get me a Starbucks.
Minutes later, WH Press Briefing
Reporter: The delays have been known for some time, but the fraudulent --
JC: If you mean the specific allegations that I think we're reported first by your network, I believe we learned about them through the reports.
It is simply inconceivable -- no, unbelievable -- that the press knows more about the scandals surrounding this administration than does the administration.
It begs the question: So why do the media put up with this nonsense? They know that they're being played for fools and yet they go along with it, time and again. Their loyalty to Barack Obama is that strong.
Why does this administration constantly lie? Because they can.