
What’s that famous saying? “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” It’s time for Ted Cruz to wake up and make the phone call that changes history, changes the GOP, changes the course of America.

It’s time to face reality. Donald Trump will be the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. Only Trump has a path to the nomination. Ted Cruz is delusional if he thinks he can win the nomination…or deserves to win the nomination.

He was shut out on Tuesday night. Shut out as in zero, zilch, zip, nada. It was Trump 4, Kasich 1, Cruz 0, Rubio cut from the team.

Cruz can’t be the nominee. We’re deep into the GOP presidential race on a key Super Tuesday and he can’t even win one state. The nomination winner can’t be 0 for 5 on a Super Tuesday. That’s not a man on the way to becoming leader of the free world.

Kasich can’t be the nominee. He just won his first state out of 27. He’s 1 win, 26 losses in the GOP race. And the one win was a “homer.” The sitting Governor of Ohio just won his own state. My guess is very few sitting Governors have ever lost their home state. So please don’t get any delusions of grandeur John! No GOP power broker is stupid enough to award the presidential nomination to a guy who is 1 win, 26 loses. That would be the death of the Republican Party.

That leaves one man left standing -- Donald J Trump.

But the story doesn’t end here. Because Ted Cruz still has a river card to play. It’s time to put ego aside and play your hand Ted.

Back in 2012 I desperately wanted Newt Gingrich to pick up the phone and call Mitt Romney. Newt should have said to Mitt, “The writings on the wall. You’re the winner Mitt. But I will put my ego aside to save America and unite the party. I’ll take the V.P. slot. Let’s combine forces and we’ll win the White House together. I represent the base -- conservatives and Tea Party activists who bleed red for the GOP. If you pick me, together we change the course of history. If you don’t pick me, millions of conservatives stay home and you lose. So let’s go to the dance together.”

But Newt never made the phone call. Mitt lost. The GOP lost. Capitalism lost. The middle class lost. America lost. 

Today we see the price we paid -- GDP near zero. Ninety-four million working-age Americans no longer working. Manufacturing collapsing. More businesses closing each day than opening. Record highs for food stamp use. Middle class Americans being bankrupted by Obamacare. Middle Class jobs have disappeared. The national debt is a staggering $19 trillion. We are entering an Obama Great Depression. If only Newt had made that phone call.

Ted, don’t let your ego get in the way. You’re 45-years-old. You will never beat Trump. But you can be part of history. You can be part of the team that wins the White House and saves America. Tell Donald to take the next eight years. You’ll take the next eight. Eight years from now you’ll still be only 53 years old. Pick up the phone and call Donald Trump. Tell him you’ll take V.P.

Here’s the important part. If Cruz sets aside his ego, Trump/Cruz will stick a stake through the heart of the arrogant, elitist GOP establishment once and for all. Trump and Cruz are the only two truly “outsider candidates.” Trump has never run for office. Cruz is the most hated man in the U.S. Senate. They are the only two candidates both the GOP establishment and D.C. establishment could never allow to become nominee.

Together they control just under 80 percent of the delegates (1,017 out of 1,323). By combining forces, Trump and Cruz have routed the establishment. They’ve given hope back to the GOP base. They’ve given power back to the people. The establishment has lost the party. The establishment is out in the cold. Trump/Cruz can’t be stopped. The GOP will never be the same. America will be saved.

One more point that must be addressed. -- Critics of Trump argue that polls show Cruz is a better candidate versus Hillary than Trump.

First, that's a non-issue. Because Cruz can't beat Trump, so Cruz will never face Hillary.

Secondly those polls are taken eight months out from Election Day. They are meaningless. Eight months ago polls showed Trump couldn't possibly win the GOP nomination. Then he started working on 16 competitors. One by one he vanquished them all.

Wait until Trump starts working on Hillary. He'll chip away at her until she's a shell of her former self. She'll wish she had never won the nomination.

If the FBI recommends indictment she will become the most flawed and crippled candidate in American political history.

Trump will savage her. The Clinton Machine has never faced someone who takes every blow and smashes back harder.

Lastly, if Ted matches up well with Hillary, all the more reason to join the Trump ticket.

Wake up Ted. Put aside your ego and make the phone call that changes the course of history.