THE FIRST 100 DAYS: Ten Ways to Pray for President Obama

By Bill ShulerPastor, Capital Life Church, Arlington, Virginia

On January 20, the presidency of Barack Obama was a blank canvas upon which millions of Americans projected their hopes and fears. Now, almost 100 days later, issues such as the economy, foreign affairs and military activity are beginning to define this presidency. As we pause to measure the decisions of this president--or any American leader--let us not neglect the highest honor and responsibility given to each member of the community of faith.

The following are ways we can pray for our president:

1. Pray that God will continually honor him with great wisdom amidst the difficult decisions that he faces each day.

2. Pray for God to protect him and our nation from harm.

3. Pray that his decisions will always reflect a courage that goes beyond polls and politics.

4. Pray that he will be blessed in his role as husband and father.

5. Pray that he will be refreshed in his physical body.

6. Pray for First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters, that they will experience great joy in this new chapter of their lives.

7. Pray that he will be encouraged and filled with the "peace that passes all understanding."

8. Pray for his staff, that they will serve him well and be a strength to him.

9. Pray that he will be humble but fearless in seeking and fulfilling God's will.

10. Pray that he will build bridges to unite a nation.

The Scriptures command us to pray for "all who are in authority that we may live a quiet and peaceful life." Let us dedicate ourselves to taking the next 100 days to strengthen our President in prayer.

By so doing, we call forth God's blessings upon our nation.

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