
Editor's note: The following column originally appeared in The Resurgent.

We have more evidence now that most reporters are just engaged in Resistance Fan Fiction. Led by Obama Administration staffers, reporters in Washington are savaging General John Kelly for telling the reporters to get the facts straight before attacking the President.

General Kelly took serious issue with reporters buying Congresswoman Wilson’s story that the President had disrespectfully addressed the widow of a fallen soldier. General Kelly explained that the President was not being disrespectful, but was trying to relay to the widow what General Kelly had relayed to the President. The soldier knew the risks and was doing the job he loved, but it did not make it any easier losing him.

It should not be a controversial statement and is not a disrespectful statement, but in understandably raw emotions, a congresswoman used it to politicize the death.

Kelly is right and the reporters are wrong. Naturally, instead of any introspection, the reporters are attacking General Kelly now.