Justice for Rifqa Bary

Christmas arrived early this year for this brave, young ex-Muslim convert to Christianity. On Thursday, at 5 p.m., Judge Mary Goodrich in Columbus, Ohio decided that Rifqa Bary, who will turn eighteen in five days, does not have to return to her family (all of whom are here illegally from Sri Lanka).

According to breaking local news, “Goodrich also said it’s not in the girl’s best interest to return her to her native Sri Lanka. Bary is (also) an illegal immigrant. The ruling allows her attorneys to file for a special immigration status to allow her to stay in the U.S. while she continues medical treatment following recent surgery for uterine cancer.”

Allow me to congratulate the Judge—and a special congratulations to Rifqa’s hard-working, dedicated, and skillful lawyers: Angela Lloyd and Kort Gatterdam. Most of all, allow me to congratulate Rifqa herself for her extraordinary strength and courage.

Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to Fox News and blogs regularly at Pajamas Media and NewsReal Blog. She is the author of thirteen books, including "Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman" and "The New Anti-Semitism," and may be reached at her website www.phyllis-chesler.com

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