
The media love to portray any person who freaks out as a rightwing extremist. If someone goes on a shooting rampage or takes a hostage or sends a threatening letter, the media seem to be less interested in if that person were simply mentally unstable than what conservative organizations he or she belongs to. They don't focus on the incident; they focus on what drove the "rightwing extremist" to do harm.

Now, we have a case where a leftwing radical went psycho. Will the media say that his fondness of Al Gore did him in? Will the government issue warnings and memos to watch out for leftwing organizations as they have done with conservative groups? I doubt it.

On Wednesday, police shot and killed James J. Lee who held three hostages for several hours "at the Discovery Communications building in Silver Springs, Maryland." Police ended up shooting and killing the gunman, and all three hostages were unharmed.

Bobby Eberle is President and CEO of GOPUSA. To continue reading his column, click here.

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