
Will it be a super Trump Tuesday? Or, will there be a few Super Tuesday surprises? No matter what, it will be the most meaningful single day in a presidential nominating process in quite some time. We know many of the voters today are being fueled by enthusiasm - some feeling disenfranchised -- and finding a new reason to have their voices heard. However being able to predict just how many of them actually go to the polls -- impossible to know. One interesting note -- after much discussion this election cycle about polling, and how off some polls have been in the last few political seasons -- it appears most of the 2016 polling has been pretty right. To me, the biggest story on this Super Tuesday, is the battle brewing within the Republican Party. This year it’s the grass roots' voters revolting against the donor class establishment, and usually the big money always wins. On the other hand, right now, it appears the grass roots are coming out on top, and what that means for the GOP's future is unknown.