U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., Nov. 9, 2016. (REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
November 9, 2016 was a special day for this proud American. My eyes opened that morning with an immediate thought that “We the People” had witnessed --and taken part in -- A Miracle.
There are millions of Americans who have yet to recognize the miracle of November 9th. They remain angry, shocked and saddened that our nation has elected to our highest office someone whom their trusted leaders had promised was “unelectable.” With a national mandate granted to the Republican Party, i.e. sweeping control of both Houses, State Governorships, Presidency and the Supreme Court, these Americans will have the opportunity to finally see the promises of “unfettered” Conservatism. With the passing of policies designed to increase opportunities for all to procure the American Dream, many will come to recognize what has been chronically missing with their decades-long loyalty to the Democratic Party…..HOPE!
November 9, 2016 over the years will come to represent the renaissance of HOPE for millions of Americans from all races, colors, creeds and neighborhoods. It will be seen as the day that “We the People” chose to begin our racial healing after years of purposeful divisiveness. It will be noted as the day when the American people chose to return to its optimistic ways…always its driving force. It will be known for..
HOPE for poor urban parents and their children who, after decades of neglect, will be granted choice for a quality education, like their fellow middle & rich-class citizens.
HOPE for men and women from all backgrounds who continue to seek the “American ideal” of self-reliance.
HOPE that personal safety and equal protection continues to be a Constitutional Right for ALL citizens, including those living in the urban liberal cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Ferguson, etc.
HOPE that the encouragement to “Dream Big” remains within the American DNA and that we are still a nation where upgrading our lives is only a decision, time, faith and a work ethic away.
HOPE for brighter days within the Black community where for decades Misery has been imposed on it by the empathy-free & hopeless ideologies of Socialism, Marxism and Liberalism.
On November 9th 2016, “We the People” offered an undeniable repudiation of the Democratic Party’s historical use of identity politics, divisiveness and “misery” as a political strategy. We broke from the political model that has placed demeaning expectations for racial, gender and immigrant zombie-like “Group Think”. With this election’s unexpected swing of Women, Hispanics, and Black Americans to the Republican Party, minorities have established that they are capability of thinking pass skin color, sexuality their originating country. As we continue to prioritize ourselves as Americans first and foremost, we will continue to witness the demise of the Democratic Party’s emotional bondage, held too long on our society’s minority segments.
In the weeks leading up to the election, I was invited to share my views on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.” During one of my interviews, I stated that over 28% of Black Americans share my love for our Race, Country and God. We believe that it is the American Way that uniquely offers opportunities to ALL, regardless of our start. I then issued a challenge to Stuart Varney’s viewing audience…“If Americans this voting cycle will give Black America Conservatives more time, four years, we’ll make our entire country proud. We promise to train our youth, to hire, mentor and encourage them to Dream Big. We will guide them along the pathway of gratitude, patriotism and success as past generations have done for us.” As I awoke on the morning of Nov 9th 2016 it occurred to me that my countrymen and women had done their part. It is now time for us to do ours.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank my fellow Americans for the opportunity to do our part to make America Great Again…THANK YOU for the MIRACLE of November 9, 2016.