
By Bill ShulerPastor, Capital Life Church, Arlington, Virginia

1. Faith...feeds hope and starves fear. 2. Faith...shapes a future, whereas economists can only predict--if they're lucky! 3. Faith...believes in a retirement that means more than a gold watch and rocking chair. 4. Faith...gives thanks in all things 5. Faith...looks for a future beyond Social Security, beyond even life expectancy. 6. Faith...reaches out to meet the needs of others. 7. Faith...sows seeds today for tomorrow's harvest. 8. Faith...chooses a good name over riches. 9. Faith...aims high, steps forward, and doesn't look back. 10. Faith...reminds us Who is really in charge.

Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Scripture tells us that "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

In these challenging times, it is comforting to know that certainty begins with faith.