Donna Brazile: Democrats coming together in 2020 presidential race. And that's good news

The more things fall apart, the more they come together. Even now, as so much about our society seems to be unraveling, hope for deliverance is taking shape. Everything is coming together on the Democratic side of the 2020 presidential race.

That’s good news, not just for Democrats, but for independents, and even for disaffected Republicans who are sick of the petulance and rancor that has replaced non-partisan expertise in our government.

This week, as a nation housebound under lockdown turns to jigsaw puzzles for amusement, another big piece of the 2020 Democratic presidential ticket has been put into place.


Former President Barack Obama has formally endorsed Joe Biden to be the Democratic party’s nominee, putting his stamp of approval on a candidate already chosen by an overwhelming number of Democratic voters.

In a video released Tuesday, President Obama said that the man he chose to be his Vice President “has the character and the experience to guide us through one of our darkest times and heal us through a long recovery.”

With our current leadership, so seemingly unable to experience the empathy that’s needed in this challenging time, former President Obama noted that Joe Biden is “someone whose own life has taught him how to persevere; how to bounce back when you’ve been knocked down.”

This is a candidacy that can appeal not just to every stripe of Democratic voter, but to independents who value judgment and prudence, and even Republicans who long for a return to the stability and norms that make American government function properly, especially in challenging times.

President Obama made certain to give proper recognition to Biden’s last challenger for the nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders. Obama said “Bernie’s an American original — a man who has devoted his life to giving voice to working people’s hopes, dreams, and frustrations,” and rightfully pointed out that “the ideas he’s championed; the energy and enthusiasm he inspired, especially in young people, will be critical in moving America in a direction of progress and hope.”

Indeed, Bernie Sanders himself added a vital piece to the Democratic jigsaw puzzle just the day before, by issuing his own endorsement of Joe Biden. The two appeared together in a live-streamed video, with Sanders telling Biden “We need you in the White House,” and Biden responding that “I’m going to need you. Not just to win the campaign, but to govern.” Were both of them being careful to say exactly the right things at the right time? Yes. Is that an important skill in this unsettled time? Absolutely!

Bernie and Biden may have been the last two candidates standing, but they started out a year ago in a Democratic field that eventually numbered over two dozen. The quality of that batch of candidates was easily the match for any in the history of this nation. As Obama noted in his endorsement of Biden, “Each of our candidates were talented and decent, with a track record of accomplishment, smart ideas, and serious visions for the future.”

Beyond that, they were by far the most diverse set of presidential aspirants ever, with candidates representing the African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and LGBQT communities. Half a dozen were women. And they represented every corner of this nation, from Hawaii to New England, with backgrounds in every level of government as well as impressive private sector experience. Any of them can be expected to contribute to a Biden presidency and to other Democratic administrations in the future.


They were equally as diverse in the approaches they took to solving the problems vexing this nation, with voices careful and prudent as well as progressive and passionate. You can be sure that a Biden administration would have room for all of those voices to be heard and respected.

And that’s because, underneath the variety of policy approaches, every one of those candidates shares the core values of the Democratic Party. Those values include a fervent belief that quality, affordable healthcare is a right for all Americans, a devotion to protecting our planet and the environment, a commitment to a strong defense bolstered by close cooperation with our long-time allies, the vital importance of voting rights, and an economy that works for everyone.

Those are the values that candidate Joe Biden is bringing to the race. And his candidacy will also reflect the diversity that was so important to the 2020 Democratic field—Joe has already pledged that his VP choice will be a woman.

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This is a candidacy that can appeal not just to every stripe of Democratic voter, but to independents who value judgment and prudence, and even Republicans who long for a return to the stability and norms that make American government function properly, especially in challenging times.

Donald Trump will not be easy to defeat. There are institutional advantages to incumbency, even when the bragging rights that would have gone with an effectively-managed first term have been utterly squandered.

But underpinning the previously mentioned core Democratic values, are an even deeper set of values that all Americans hold in common—a love for this country and for all of its people that transcends party differences, a commitment to treating everyone with dignity and respect, and an appreciation for the professionalism and expertise that are so vital in making America function.


Those are things that have been sadly neglected as of late, but which have always been vital elements of the American spirit in all of us. I think that people of all political persuasions are ready to return to a way of life that fosters those values.

I believe that this country is more than ready to join with Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, as we simultaneously re-embrace the hallowed traditions of the past, and join those traditions with a fresh hope for a bright future of recovery, safety, prosperity, and growth.


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