The finest celebrities America has to offer took to the streets last week to protest the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

These folks are nothing short of interpersonal saints and artists of heartbreaking genius. And they made the most of their moment in the sun to press forward their progressive vision for America, and to decry the horrors of Kavanaugh’s supposed sexual brutality.

This is somewhat weird.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all for higher standards in matters of sex. As a religious Jew, I was rather famously a virgin until my own marriage. But I have to admit, I’m puzzled by Hollywood’s sudden turn toward the traditional.

I grew up in Hollywood, We actually film my Fox News special in Los Angeles. I have a number of good friends in the business.

Suffice it to say, the city that brought the world the casting couch might not be the best source for moral guidance in politics. Boofing and the Devil’s Triangle, as defined by Urban Dictionary, are the least of the sins in this town.  And it’s particularly strange to watch as this particular coterie of celebrities climbs up on their pack of high horses to sneer at Brett Kavanaugh, a devout Catholic father of two who has been married for 14 years.

Take Lena Dunham, for example. She showed up in Washington, D.C., to protest Kavanaugh, tweeting, “So many women I love are in DC today. They represent hundreds, thousands & millions of other women. At this point, opposing Kavanaugh is not about a political party. It’s about ensuring that women-people-of every political party are safe.”

Lena Dunham wrote in her own book about sexually abusing her younger sister. She wrote, “As she grew, I took to bribing her for her time and affection: one dollar in quarters if I could do her makeup like a ‘motorcycle chick.’ Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just ‘relax on me.’ Basically, anything a predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying.”

That’s the mild stuff from her book.

An actress named Emily Ratajkowski claimed that she got herself arrested at the D.C. rally. She tweeted, “Today I was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault. Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”

You may not remember Ratajkowski, but she got her big start starring with Robin Thicke in his controversial hit “Blurred Lines.”

The lyrics to that hit were deemed “kind of rapey” by many feminists. Why? Because the lyrics said, “Talk about getting blasted / I hate these blurred lines / I know you want it / But you’re a good girl / the way you grab me / must want to get nasty.”

Whoopi Goldberg showed up as well – and she had this to say on “The View” about Kavanaugh"The message to women is we’re not listening. That's the message."

That’s a far cry from Whoopi’s comments on child molester Roman Polanski just a few years back. Polanski, you’ll remember, fled the country after being arrested for giving a 13-year-old girl champagne and Quaaludes and then sexually assaulting her. Here’s Whoopi’s take on that fine gentleman on “The View”:

Whoopi: He was not charged with -- I know it wasn't rape rape.

Co-host: statutory rape?

Co-host: Child molest maybe. I'm not sure what he was charged with. No?

Whoopi: It was something else, but I don't believe it was rape rape. -- And when we get all the information someone will tell me in my ear.  -- All I'm trying to get you to understand is when we're talking about what someone did and what they were charged with we have to say what it actually was not what we think it was.

It wasn’t “rape, rape,” you see, according to Whoopi. But she’s ready to destroy Brett Kavanaugh without evidence.

Whoopi’s fellow panelist on “The View,” Joy Behar, was also fighting mad about Kavanaugh declaring:The message to boys is, if you become a powerful man you are allowed to grope a woman.”

So, if you become powerful, you get to grope women -- according to Republicans. And also according to Joy Behar.

It turns out she wasn’t quite as angry when Al Franken was accused of sexually assaulting eight different women by grabbing them or trying to kiss them without their consent. In fact, she called Franken a gentleman and defended him fulsomely:

"Al Franken attacked, well sort of attacked him verbally, Jeff Sessions. He suddenly became the target of the right wing to get him out of office and then Gillibrand. Is that her name? She was out to get him also. The Democrats decided oh "we are going to take the high road," and they basically lost a really good senator in my opinion. The way I saw that photograph -- where he was putting his hands [on a sleeping woman’s breasts] pretending to touch them, which he didn’t really touch them. That was a sophomoric joke by a comedian in a time when he didn’t know he was going to become a senator.

He was fooling around. He was a comic. And to his credit, he said "She didn’t have any ability to consent, she had every right to feel violated by that photo."

So he's a gentleman and he took the hit.

Can we now move on and get the great senator back and remove the president?”

These were just a couple of the celebrities who traveled to D.C. Many more didn’t, and they were far from silent.

Matt Damon showed up on “Saturday Night Live” in an interminable 13-minute sketch to mock Kavanaugh as an angry nut.

But, you’ll recall that Damon came under fire from #MeToo just last year for the great sin of recognizing a spectrum of bad behavior with regard to sexual misconduct.

Damon was actually right. But he was forced to apologize. And now that he’s bent the knee before the radicals of the #MeToo Movement, he’s back in the good graces, and ready to attack Judge Kavanaugh with the enthusiasm of the newly-converted.

Of course, actress Alyssa Milano famously showed up at Kavanaugh’s actual hearing, and then bemoaned his nomination, stating that men should be held accountable even if they aren’t exactly guilty.

Milano said, “We will not be silenced any longer and if that means that men have a hard time right now then I'm sorry -- this is the way the pendulum has to shift for us to have the equality and security in our country and within our societal views of what it means to be a woman.”

Weird, though, that Milano didn’t seem quite all that upset about sexual misconduct by a Democrat back in 2012. She tweeted, “Bill Clinton, I love you so much. Like crazy amounts of love.”

You remember Bill Clinton. Soft southern accent. Credibly accused of a brutal rape by Juanita Broaddrick – she says he raped her and then told her to “put some ice on that.”

You remember Bill Clinton, the guy credibly accused of sexual assault by Kathleen Willey – she says he grabbed her in the Oval Office, forcibly kissed her, groped her breast, and forced her hand onto his genitals. Bill Clinton, credibly accused of sexual assault by Paula Jones – she says he exposed himself to her, and then told her to “kiss it.” Clinton paid her $850,000 to go away.

Nice guy.  But Alyssa Milano loved him. Until she realized that she’d been called on it.

This past week, she determined that maybe, just maybe, Clinton should have been investigated, too. How magically convenient!

And…. America’s pope, Jimmy Kimmel, sounded off against Kavanaugh, too, with this now famous statement:

“I think there’s a compromise here. Hear me out on this. So, Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court, okay. Well, in return we get to cut that pesky penis of his off in front of everyone. That's not good, no? I thought I had a solution there for a minute."

I seem to remember someone else who had some trouble controlling himself around women. His name was Jimmy Kimmel. Here’s this memorable TV moment:

"This game show is called guess what's in my pants. Now, I've stuffed something in my pants and you're allowed to feel around on the outside of the pants, you have 10 seconds to then guess what is in my pants. You ready? Go. You should use two hands, two hands."

Now, listen: true sexual misconduct should be called out by anyone and everyone. This isn’t a call for Hollywood celebrities to double down on their own excesses, or to justify the evil behavior of others. But it is a reminder that the sudden willingness to believe decades-old allegations against Brett Kavanaugh is rather convenient from a group of people who gave Roman Polanski an Oscar and spent decades celebrating Harvey Weinstein.