
The music industry suffered a melt down on national television during the American Music Awards -- launching into unhinged, profane tirades directed at President-elect Donald Trump and his wife, Melania.

Do not be fooled, folks. This was not an awards show. It was a political hit job on the president-elect.

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ABC censors bleeped out Chrissy Teigen's reference to "this f**ked up, f**king election."

Green Day embarrassed themselves with new lyrics to "Bang Bang."

"No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA," lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong screamed to a crowd of adoring anti-Trump minions.

Co-hosts Gigi Hadid and Jay Pharoah set the tone of the evening by launching into vicious attacks on the president-elect and the future first lady.

A number of outraged viewers lashed out on Twitter -- accusing Hadid of crossing the line. Some suggested her impersonation of Melania Trump was racist.

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