Tucker: The Republican Party has to figure out its future

Carlson to the Republican Party: 'Stop sucking up to the people who hate you'

During his Thursday broadcast of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," the host Carlson addressed the future of the Republican Party, saying that it has a decision to make--become the party of the middle class, or revert to the party beholden to Wall Street.

CARLSON: Now that the smoke has cleared from the last election and Donald Trump is gone, the Republican Party has to figure what it is and what it should be. Is it going to be the GOP of 2006: foreign wars plus corporate tax cuts  — the party of John Boehner and Liz Cheney, it’s what it’s been for a long time? Or will it become or has it already become something very different from that, something new and potentially much broader than what it was? That’s the question. 

Congressman Jim Banks of Indiana has thought a lot about it. Banks released a memo this week that seems to answer that question conclusively. The Republican Party, he writes, is no longer an arm of the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is already the party of the American middle class. We know that because they’re its voters.

Carlson then provided examples of occupations such mechanics, janitors and small business owners who overwhelmingly supported President Trump in the 2020 election, compared to the occupations such as college professors and bankers who backed Joe Biden in large numbers.

CARLSON: How should the Republican Party respond to these facts? For starters, how about stop sucking up to the people who hate you? Corporate America has gone mostly hard left so stop doing their bidding. Don’t help the people who want to hurt you. Then, when you get a minute, start representing — and defending — your own voters. Find the people who vote for you and do something for them.

The issues aren’t complicated, we know what they’re interested in: control the border, demand fair trade deals, fight the power of big tech, and stand up for small business. And as you do all this, denounce wokeness as the immoral atrocity that it is. "Wokeness," Banks writes, "was cooked up by college professors, then boosted by corporations." Of course it was and that’s why normal people hate it. All normal people no matter what they look like.


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