Trump calls US 'toughest country to deal with', cites 'Schumer and Pelosi and people that are bad people'

President Trump told Sean Hannity during a town hall in Green Bay, Wis., Thursday that the "toughest country to deal with" is his own because of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. and their treatment of him during the Russia investigation.

"They said to me ... friends of mine [asked], 'What's the toughest country to deal with? Who is it? Is it China? Is it Russia? Could it be North Korea?'" Trump said.  "No, it's the United States of America. The toughest country to deal with, because we have Schumer and Pelosi and people that are bad people that I honestly believe don't love our country."


"What they do to our country and what they've done with this scam, the whole scam. [Former National Security Adviser Michael] Flynn is a piece of it. The Mueller scam," Trump went on. "Now, it came out that Mueller should have announced in the first week that we did nothing wrong.

"In other words, they had evidence in the first few days that there was no collusion with Russia. There was nothing to do with Russia," the president added. "They knew that immediately. He didn't have to take two or two and a half years. They knew immediately what they put this country through."

Trump also lashed out at former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling him a "disaster" for letting the Russia investigation proceed and saying he "let it happen unknowingly, because he's not very smart."

The president also lamented the treatment of his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, former associate Roger Stone, and former policy adviser George Papadopulos as well as Flynn during the Russia investigation.

Hannity asked Trump if he was "thinking" about a pardon for Stone, who is set to report to prison next week.

"We're going to see. I don't want to get into that," Trump answered. "But I think he was treated very unfairly."

Trump then compared Stone to rioters and looters who have caused destruction following George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody last month.

"You see these guys, they're burning down buildings. They're ripping down statues. They're hurting police," Trump said. "They don't go to jail. Nothing happens to them. They give up. They want to give [Stone] nine years in jail."


Trump concluded that portion of the town hall by venting his rage at the Russia investigation.

"One friend said to me, 'You have to be the most innocent man in the history of the United States.' I had 18 angry Democrat geniuses, all smart. Smart as hell. Mueller lost it, but they're all smart as hell," Trump said. "All these guys who were after me. They spent 45, 49, 55... million dollars over a period of two and a half years and they got nothing on me... [the] friend of mine said, 'You have to be the most perfect person.'"

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