On Fox News:
Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: U.S. Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mark Meadows, R-N.C., weigh in on Democrats' push for impeachment against Trump; Griff Jenkins on his ride-along with ICE; Australian billionaire Andrew Forrest on finding a solution to ocean pollution
On Fox Business:
Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Robert Ray, former Whitewater independent counsel; Steve Forbes, Forbes Media chairman and editor-in-chief.
Varney & Co., 9 a.m. ET: Jim DeMint, former U.S. senator from South Carolina.
On Fox News Radio:
The Fox News Rundown podcast: "Rudy Giuliani: Ukraine Controversy Damages Biden Not Trump" -The rough transcript of President Trump’s July phone call with the leader of Ukraine is now out. Several times in the transcript, the president mentions that Ukraine should be in touch with his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani explains why he thinks the Democrats' accusations against the president are falling apart, and why there should be more attention focused on former Vice President Joe Biden.
Also on the Rundown: It’s the battle of the Democratic front-runners. According to the new Quinnipiac poll, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is now ahead of Biden, the first time she’s taken the lead in a national survey. Chris Stirewalt, Fox News politics editor, weighs in. Plus, commentary by FOX Business Network anchor and host of "We're Momming Today" podcast, Lauren Simonetti
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The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 a.m. ET: Ken Starr, former independent counsel; U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko, R-Ariz.; U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla.; Peter Schweizer, author of "Secret Empires"; Jim DeMint, former U.S. senator from South Carolina.