Melugin investigates the effects of LA district attorney's 'criminal friendly' policies

Melugin says he typically knows what happens in the office before the ink dries because people are so pissed off

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin investigates the effects of the Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón's "criminal friendly" policies in a first look at "The Suicide of Los Angeles" coming to Fox Nation next week.

BILL MELUGIN: All of my best sources in all of LA are deputy DAs within the DA's office. Dozens of them. I typically know what happens in that office before the ink dries on something because people are so pissed off about what's going on. One prosecutor told me the way it feels working for George Gascón right now. He likens it to what he imagined it felt like at the end of the Vietnam War. After all that work, building something up, just watching it all completely fall apart. And he says it's a complete dishonor to work for this man. 

If they make it to LA and they decide to shoot somebody, they're not going to be prosecuted for a gun enhancement. If they decide to murder somebody, they're not going to be charged with a special circumstance allegation, meaning they won't face life without parole if they're a juvenile and they commit as many murders as they want, they're not going to be charged as an adult, meaning they'll be out of prison before age 25. So any way you slice it, George Gascón's policies are criminal friendly, and there's no denying that he likes to say, "Well, you know, you can't put somebody in a concrete box for the rest of their lives and expect them to change," but I think a lot of people out there expect accountability when it comes to serious crimes and there are some crimes you really can't come back from when they're that heinous.



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