Do Saturday's Nevada Democratic primary caucuses even matter? That's the question Fox News host Laura Ingraham raised Friday night, on the eve of the voting -- as many other questions hovered over the contest.

"And it looks like Democrats could be facing a repeat of the fiasco we saw in Iowa two weeks back, if you can believe it," Ingraham added on "The Ingraham Angle."

"Experts are warning of potential technical snafus," she continued. "Now, the DNC already voided 1,000 early votes. And party chair Tom Perez? He told the AP he won't commit to same-day election results.

"Are we a Third World country? We can't announce the election results the night of the election?"

"Are we a Third World country? We can't announce the election results the night of the election?"

— Laura Ingraham


Ingraham then predicted another primary victory for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., saying either Sanders -- who previously won in Iowa and New Hampshire -- or former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will ultimately be the Democrats' 2020 presidential nominee.

"Bernie is sure to win tomorrow. And after that, the order of finish doesn't make that much of a difference," Ingraham said. "And I feel confident declaring tonight that this race is shaping up to be a two-man show, Sanders versus Bloomberg."

"This race is shaping up to be a two-man show, Sanders versus Bloomberg."

— Laura Ingraham


The host also weighed in on former Vice President Joe Biden's chances of bouncing back with a win in South Carolina later this month.

"Well, after Nevada, the Democratic primary race moves to South Carolina," Ingraham said. "Now, that state was supposed to be Joe Biden's firewall, but as Biden, his lead shrinks in the Palmetto State, Bloomberg is reportedly telling his rich friends to stop giving money to Biden's campaign and just slowly let the patient bleed out."

"Well, South Carolina could end up being Uncle Joe's last stand. That is, if he even makes it there."