Chad Wolf: Mexico 'very upset' with Biden admin's rollback of Trump border policies

Organized migrant caravan moves toward US, surging past Mexican forces

Former Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told "America Reports" on Monday that the Mexican government is "upset" with the Biden administration over its border policies.


CHAD WOLF: One, Mexico needs to do more. We saw that with the Haitians but we see this with the caravan. As they break through a security checkpoint as they did in Chiapas, the Mexican government needs to be allocating more resources to make sure they are staying in parts of the country that they should stay while their asylum process … while their visa is being applied for. That’s the law in Mexico. As they break the law and come through checkpoints, obviously the Mexican government has to do more. 

At the end of the day, the Mexican government is also very upset with the Biden administration. They are upset with the policies, the asylum regulations and everything the Biden administration has pulled back because it’s making it more difficult for them to do their job at the end of the day. I think the Biden administration has a real problem on its hands, not only working with the Mexican government but with other governments in the region. They are concerned about what they’re seeing and about these caravans and this mass migration. It's because of the pull factors, it's because of the messaging, and the policies of this administration.


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