Mexican Protestors Plan Another "Mega March"

Still outraged by recent election results and alleged voter fraud, protestors once again prepare to take to the streets this coming Sunday in cities across Mexico.

Mexico's election in early July resulted in protests across the country. Protestors claim vote buying and other voter fraud led to the win by Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto.

Supporters of the opposing leftist candidate, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, point to seemingly clear evidence of voter fraud such as ballots marked in favor of PRI the day before elections took place, video interviews of individuals admitting to selling their vote, and pre-paid gift cards which people were given as bribes to use at Soriana Supermarket.

Also in the protestors' crosshairs, television networks such as Televisa and TV Azteca who have not reported on the protests and are accused of being paid for favorable coverage by Peña Nieto.

Tens of thousands are estimated to have marched in Mexico's capital as well as in other cities throughout the country on July 7th, in an event referred to as the "Mega Marcha." Further marches are planned. The next event will be a second "Mega Marcha" on Sunday, July 22nd at the famous Mexico City landmark, the Ángel de la Independencia.

According to Univision News, student group #YoSoy132 is "calling on opponents of Peña Nieto to simultaneously picket the offices of TV giant Televisa all over the country," on July 27th. The demonstration against Televisa is intentionally scheduled to coincide with the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics. A strike is also being planned for August 8th, the birthday of revered Mexican revolutionary, Emiliano Zapata.

Meanwhile, the #YoSoy132 movement is seeing some internal changes. The group originally took shape in early May when 131 students at the Ibero-American University in Mexico City heckled then presidential candidate Peña Nieto. Hecklers were dismissed as "outside political agitators" by the PRI and in response, students uploaded videos of themselves to the internet, showing their student ID cards to prove otherwise.

The movement grew as others declared themselves to be the 132nd member of the group. On Twitter, #YoSoy132 (I am 132), spread beyond students and youth to include anyone who wanted to stand up against political corruption.

In recent weeks, #YoSoy132 has seen a split between those who are non-partisan and focused on the original message, and those who firmly identify as supporters of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Nevertheless, #YoSoy132 is determined to not just make history, but permanent change.

"We already know what we want in the long term - to awaken society's political consciousness and to democratize the media," student Ari Santillan told the BBC. "We now need to figure out how."