Idaho postal workers are dyeing their hair blue for a good cause

Boise National Association of Letter Carriers members have gone blue for the 26th annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. (Candace Lincoln)

A group of Idaho mail carriers are going under the blue dye bottle for a good cause, as they look forward to discussing their bright cerulean locks with civilians and raising awareness for the Stamp Out Hunger campaign

They will join over 212,000 U.S. Postal Service workers across the country who on May 12 will go above the call of duty for the 26th Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive and will collect food donations along their routes.

The participating carriers belong to the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC).


"The level of generosity people have in this community, it just replenishes your heart in a way." (Candace Lincoln)

Candace Lincoln, who is coordinating the effort for the Boise chapter, told Fox News that her NALC chapter’s blue hued initiative began last year when Postmaster Dan Corral dyed his hair the bright shade before the drive. Blue, naturally, was selected as the shade of choice, in honor of the postal worker’s longtime signature color.

Lincoln donned a blue wig in solidarity last year. (Candace Owen)

Lincoln is going blue this year for the good cause. (Candace Owen)

Though she donned a blue wig in solidarity last year, Lincoln is going all out this time around for the collection goal of 175,000 pounds of food and has dyed her hair blue as well.

“When I see people leaving food outside their home, it brings a tear to my eye. The level of generosity people have in this community, it just replenishes your heart in a way,” she said.

“The working poor is everyone – youth to teens to college to elderly on tight budgets – it’s just really nice to see [the participation.]”

Now, the group is more ready than ever for the big event on Saturday. (Candace Lincoln)


On May 7, Lincoln and some of her fellow Boise NALC members went blue at local salon The Beardsmith with complimentary, temporary spray dye jobs. Now, the group is more ready than ever for the big event on Saturday.

“You’d think, ‘Oh no, that’s more stuff to carry,’ but it gives us a great feeling to know that people are supporting us out there,” John Paige, president of the Idaho state association of the NALC, told Yahoo Lifestyle. “We have the hungry among us in our community. People are glad to do it.”

“If you can, give a can” Lincoln chimed in agreement.

The drive has delivered more than one billion pounds of food over the past 25 years.


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