
Authorities in a town in Spain are looking for a thief that made off with an almost $3,000 giant pile of poop.

The poop, which was actually a 6-foot high inflatable sculpture meant to resemble a giant pile of dog excrement, had been placed in the square by Torrelodones town officials to remind residents to pick up after their pets.

"A public awareness campaign launched by Torrelodones council in the hope of making residents collect dog excrement has achieved its greatest success," a spokesman for the town hall said, according to the Local. "Because even the inflatable representing a giant turd has been ‘cleaned up.’"

Despite the fecal felony, town officials have promised that they will replace get a replacement for the inflatable poo, which cost around $2,717.

"Despite this disappearance we will restart the campaign next week once the company that designed the inflatable provides a new one," officials said.

The fake poop had been accompanied by the sign: "This is one of the greatest obstacles to community spirit in our town. If you own a dog, please help us."

The public services department of Torrelodones, a town of 22,000 on the outskirts of the Spanish capital, had been dealing with a massive amount of actual dog poo before the inflatable was put up.

"Torrelodones has around 6,000 dogs and let’s say they do an average of three dumps a day, that is around 15,000 separate poos producing some 500kg of excrement a day. Many owners just don’t pick up," said Angel Guirao, spokesman for the town council.

"That is more or less what this inflatable represents, the amount of poo left on the streets across the town each day. We are asking dog owners, in a fun and non-aggressive way, to realize the importance of clearing up after their pets."

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