
We use it, touch it and walk through it every day but we never give it much thought.  It is the opening that allows you to enter your space, a simple slab of either wood or metal that protects you from intruders, nosy bodies and the worlds at large.

Yes, it is the Front Door.

Most people don’t give their home’s front door much thought. But as a designer I think about it every day. The front door is the icing on the cake, it’s the bow tie that makes the tuxedo, it’s the crown molding on the wall cabinet that no longer makes it look like just a box.

The entrance to your home not only welcomes your guests; it gives an impression of who you are before you even open the door.  Whether it is a single or double, a fabulous door becomes the focal point of your home.  By simply replacing it you can give your home a ‘face lift’.

You may have never thought about it, but your front door gives all passers by a sense of your style.  It lets the world know how much you know about your own home and at times it also lets the world know your social status.

There is no need to read an entire book about doors, just remember to keep a few things in mind when you replace your existing one:

  • Check the size of the opening and make sure to measure width and height. Choose a door appropriate to the size of your opening, slightly smaller is ok but never larger.
  • Select a solid door that compliments the age and style of your home. Make sure it opens freely and widely. If possible stay away from stock doors at home centers that give no curb appeal to your home.
  • When selecting color make an unforgettable first impression and go with something strong and bold that makes a statement.  If you’re looking to bring energy into your home, consider RED. A red door means "welcome". In Feng Shui, a red door symbolizes the mouth of the home. By painting the door red, Chi (positive energy) is drawn to the house. It is the entry point in which abundance and opportunities find us.  
  •  If you prefer a more understated look paint doors and shutters black, or select a more neutral color. Take your time selecting a color; remember there are many shades of the same colour and in the end you want to look at your home and love it.

Indulge and go for a door that compliments your home’s style and architecture as well as your individual personality.  Your front door should put a smile on your face every day. Have fun!