5-year-old going blind to fulfill 'visual bucket list' of going to Rome to meet Pope

The parents of 5-year-old Elizabeth Myers created a "visual bucket list" for her because she's slowly going blind. (Jason J. Molyet/News Journal via AP)

A 5-old-old Ohio girl whose parents created a "visual bucket list" for her because she's slowly going blind is going to meet Pope Francis.

Steve Myers told the Mansfield News Journal (http://bit.ly/1RB4pXH ) on Thursday that his daughter Elizabeth "Lizzy" Myers is visiting the Vatican next week.

The general manager of Turkish Airlines was touched last year by Lizzy's story as well as her parents' wish that she see many amazing things before a rare genetic condition robs her of her sight. Lizzy's parents haven't told their daughter about her diagnosis.

Round-trip tickets were offered to anywhere in the world, and the Bellville family chose Rome — one of the most visually interesting places they could think of, given the family's Italian Catholic background and the city's artwork and statuary.

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