
Do you ever notice an aching feeling in your eyes or eyebrows? Do you experience muscle spasms in your eyelids? Are the whites of your eyes ever red and dry? You might be experiencing eye strain. Luckily, it���s fairly easy to reduce eye strain, and it usually doesn���t have any long-lasting effects. Most of the time, people experiencing eye strain can lessen this feeling by taking simple precautions. The key to easing the majority of eye strain is to cut down on computer use.

Activities that require concentrated use of your eyes can result in eye strain. For instance, many people experience eye strain because of driving and television. Driving especially requires sustained focus from your eyes. Other activities like reading for lengthy periods or using a microscope can also produce eye strain. Undoubtedly, computers are the most widespread cause of eye strain today. Computer induced eye strain is called computer vision syndrome. Since computers are so central to our contemporary daily routines, it can be harder to cut down on them than other activities. Stress or very dry air can increase your risk of experiencing eye strain.

Eye strain can manifest in many ways. Usually, a person���s eyes will feel dry and itchy. The eyes will have visible redness in the eye and eyelid. Sometimes, the eyelid will twitch — a signal of the muscle���s fatigue.

The biggest cause of eye strain is frequent computer use. Because many people use their computer for work, it can be difficult to cut back on your computer time. One way to combat computer vision syndrome is to take breaks throughout the day. The Mayo Clinic recommends taking a brief break every 20 minutes to stare at something 20 feet away for over 20 seconds. This is known as the 20/20/20 rule. You should also consciously blink more often. When using computers, people tend to blink far less than when engaged in other activities. Make an effort to blink, which will lubricate your eyes, preventing the dryness associated with eye strain. Artificial tears can also help moisturize your eyes. It is a smart idea to practice good eye hygiene regardless of your experience with eye strain. One way to do so is by applying warm compresses to your eyes for 5 minutes, twice a day.

You also may want to consider placing cucumber slices over your eyes. People use this technique because of the water in the cucumber and its ability to moisturize the area surrounding your eyes. This reduces puffiness for cosmetic reasons, but the same effects can reduce your eye strain. You can find other people online with whom you can discuss the effects and possible cures for eye strain and dry eyes, such as Dry Eye Talk.