
You’ve already hit five holiday parties and it’s not even New Years. You’re ditching the gym after work to keep up with all the friends and family coming in from out of town.  You’re now eating at your desk when a month before, eating over a keyboard seemed criminal.

How to stay on track this season? The occasional, “No!” Yes, that’s right—and it feels good! It’s time to start taking care of you! Or else, you’ll be lost in the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  My tips and tricks will help you stay on target. They’re my top three sure-fire tools to make your holidays happy and healthy. Use them—they work!

Schedule your workouts

Yes. Pencil your sweat sessions in! Mark them in your Blackberry, iPhone, desk calendar or whatever you use—the point is to make a commitment. This way you’re more likely to follow through. And just think, you never regret going to the gym, but you do regret not going. There’s nothing like that sweet sweaty endorphin rush.

Batch cook

You’re on the go, so make your food fit your lifestyle! Pick two or three times per week where you’ll cook a bunch of chicken, turkey or tofu; quinoa or brown rice; and chop up some veggies. This way you can quickly throw together a healthy home-cooked meal and be out the door in no time. Or, just have something healthful and easy to assemble when you get home.


Preparation is key! Without preparing you may be left stranded with no healthy eats! Imagine, you’re at work—starving—and you’ve got nothing to nosh except your co-workers bowl of candy a few cubicles over. Don’t let this happen to you! Toss some fruit and nuts in your bag, or a healthy bar. Or, even better, bring a mini-cooler or lunch bag  to work and load it up with healthy snacks—fruits and veggies are a must; nuts; and your lunch. This way your environment will be set for success, and you’ll be ready for another healthy day!

Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, is a nationally known registered dietitian based in New York and the creator of a proprietary high-fiber nutrition program for weight loss, wellness and for treating various medical conditions. Tanya authored the bestselling weight loss book The F-Factor Diet, and she is the first dietitian with a national line of high-fiber foods, which are sold under the F-Factor name. Become a fan of Tanya on Facebook, follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn, and visit her website Ffactor.com.